Project Control:
We monitor the work of the subcontractors, and coordinate the work with the activities of the Owner and Architect/Engineer team as required to complete the project in accordance with the Owner’s objectives of cost, time and quality.
We maintain a competent full-time staff at the project site to coordinate and provide general direction of the work, and coordinate and oversee progress of the subcontractors on the project.
We establish on-site organization and lines of authority in order to carry out the overall plans of the construction team.
We utilize established procedures for coordination among the Owner, Architect/Engineer team, subcontractors and Great West personnel with respect to all aspects of the project, and we implement and enforce such procedures.
We organize, hold and preside over regularly-scheduled progress meetings at which subcontractors, the Owner, the design team and our management team can jointly discuss such matters as procedures, progress, problems and scheduling.
These are commonly known as "OAC Meetings", standing for Owner, Architect and Contractor Meetings
We provide regular monitoring of the schedule as construction of the project progresses.
Identify potential variances between scheduled and probable completion dates.
Review schedule for work not started or incomplete, and make such adjustments to the schedule as required to meet the required Project completion date.
Document all such actions and advise the Owner of actions taken to facilitate completion of the project within the specified time frame.
Determine the adequacy of subcontractor’s personnel and equipment, and the availability of materials and supplies to meet the overall project schedule. Make such changes or adjustments as required to complete the project within the specified time frame.

Physical Construction:
We provide all project management, on-site supervision, labor, materials, construction equipment, tools and sub-contract work which is necessary for the successful, on-time completion of the project.
Cost Control:
We utilize and monitor a proven and effective system of project cost control.
We revise and refine the Guaranteed Maximum Price, as and if approved by the Owner, reflecting scope changes and/or buyout of sub-contracts and material, all as required to document actual project costs.
We identify variances between actual and budgeted or estimated costs and advise the Owner and Architect whenever projected costs exceed contract amounts.
We provide value engineering alternatives as required to maintain project within the budget specified herein, unless otherwise approved by the Owner.
We maintain accurate cost accounting records on all work performed.
Change Orders:
We review any necessary or desirable changes with the Owner and the Architect, providing accurate and timely cost estimates and schedule impacts for each change requiring consideration.
We carefully and thoroughly review any request for changes, and submit recommendations to the Owner and the Architect, and lead in negotiating Change Orders with subcontractors and job suppliers.
Payments to Subcontractors:
We utilize proven, professional and accurate procedures for the review, processing and payment of applications by subcontractors for progress and final payments.
We require each subcontractor to provide a signed and notarized lien waiver/release with each payment we make to them.
Permits and Fees:
We obtain all building permits and special permits for permanent improvements, including permits for inspection or temporary facilities, as required by local authorities/jurisdictions, or we coordinate their acquisition with Owner.
We coordinate subcontractors’ procurement of necessary permits and inspections applicable to respective portions of the work.
We assist the Owner and Architect in obtaining approvals from all the authorities having jurisdiction for the project.
We constantly inspect the work of sub-contractors for defects and deficiencies in the work.
We cause any corrections to be made as required to conform to the requirements of the Contract Documents.
Shop Drawings and Samples:
We review all submittals, shop drawings and product samples for conformance with the requirements of the Contract Documents.
We stamp all submittals and note approvals, conditions, comments, or questions prior to forwarding to the Architect or Engineer for review.
We coordinate the preparation and approval of submittals to meet the requirements of the overall project schedule.
We identify items with critical approval turn-around times to facilitate coordination with the Architect/Engineer.
Reports and Project Site Documents:
We record the progress of the project, submitting written progress reports to the Owner and the Architect, including information on the subcontractor’s work, and the percentage of completion. This is normally presented at the weekly OAC Meetings.
Our on-site Superintendent will keep a daily log, which will be available to the Owner and the Architect.
We utilize Procore for daily reports, daily progress photos, and overall project collaboration.
We maintain at the project site, on a current basis: records of all necessary contracts, current and complete drawings, specifications, maintenance and operating manuals and instructions, and other construction-related documents.
At the completion of the project, we deliver all such records to the Owner.
Substantial Completion:
When the work is represented by Great West to be substantially complete, we coordinate an inspection for obtaining a Certificate of Substantial Completion from the Architect.
In conjunction with the Architect, we prepare a list of incomplete or unsatisfactory items (the Punchlist) and prepare the schedule for the completion of all Punchlist corrections.
We ensure the timely completion of all corrections required by the final Punchlist.
With the Owner’s maintenance personnel, we direct the checkout of utilities, operations systems, and equipment for their readiness; and assist in their initial start-up and testing by the sub-contractors.
Where required, we coordinate the commissioning of any building systems.
Final Completion:
When the work is represented by Great West to be finally complete, including the completion of all items noted subsequent to Substantial Completion, we provide written notice of same to the Owner and Architect, and we coordinate the final inspection of the project.
We secure and transmit to the Owner all required warranties, guarantees, manuals, affidavits, releases, bonds, and waivers.
We turn over to the Owner all keys, manuals, record drawings, and maintenance stocks.
One Year Warranty:
Where any work is performed by Great West’s own forces or by subcontractors under contract with Great West, we shall warrant that all materials and equipment included in such work will be new, unless otherwise specified, and that such work will be of good quality, free from improper workmanship and defective material and in conformance with the Construction Documents.
Great West will correct all work that is defective for a period of one year from the Date of Final Payment or for such longer periods of time as may be set forth with respect to specific warranties contained in the specifications.
Great West will request, collect, and deliver to the Owner all warranties from manufacturers of materials and equipment for the project.